FYP 2 (WEEK 10)

TITLE:Project Programming

  • Research on coding suitable for this project
  • Test it with the circuit

      • To create a coding for this project and programmed the Microcontroller. 

      • Sketch the coding using Arduino IDE
      • Compile and run on NodeMCU board
      project coding
      • shows the arduino sketch for this project. In the red box at the figure is a library. The Arduino IDE accompanies an arrangement of standard libraries for generally utilized usefulness. These libraries bolster every one of the illustrations included with the IDE. Standard library usefulness incorporates essential correspondence capacities and support for the absolute most basic writes for instance Servo Motors and Character LCD shows. Standard Libraries are pre-introduced in the "Libraries" folder of the Arduino install. The Wi-Fi library for ESP8266 has been produced in view of ESP8266 SDK, utilizing naming tradition and general usefulness logic of Arduino WiFi library. The two lines in the red box is including ESP8266WiFi and Blynk library. This library gives ESP8266 particular Wi-Fi schedules that called to associate with arrange. The devices that associate with Wi-Fi networks are called stations. connection with WiFi is given by an entrance point which goes about as a center point for at least one stations. In this project, smartphone were utilized as a station.
      • Yellow box shows the authentication number from Blynk apps. When install the apps, first step that need to do is set an account by using email and the apps will send the authentication number. This number will be added in the coding to enable connection from smartphone to NdeMCU.
      • The blue box shows the access point info. Enter the smartphone hotspot or access point name and the password of the access point. The actual connection to Wi-Fi is initialized by calling the Blynk.begin (auth, said, pass) in line ten.

      • the coding is successfully run into the NodeMCU and can connect with the Blynk Apps.


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