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Degree life’s chapter is half  done.  First thing first, Alhamdulillah and thank you Allah for giving me strength and blessing to successfully complete my final year project that is the Development of Arduino Based Home Automation.  A great pleasure feeling of freedom and now, I know how it feels like satisfied and pleasant emotion.  In the long run, I’ve managed to complete my Final Year Project (FYP) and my very own thesis. Basically, I’m half way in getting my degree and by that I mean degree of   Bachelor of Engineering Technology (HONS) in Electronic Before I entered the final year of my bachelor degree, I know nothing about the Final Year Project (FYP). The only thing I know about FYP from seniors is that, the process is very stressful, the most difficult assignment in the entire University life. Frankly speaking, it was not easy. I tried so hard and push as far as i can go literally in every semester for different reasons. I’m extremely ex...

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