Degree life’s chapter is half done.
First thing first, Alhamdulillah and thank you Allah for giving me strength and blessing to successfully complete my final year project that is the Development of Arduino Based Home Automation. A great pleasure feeling of freedom and now, I know how it feels like satisfied and pleasant emotion. In the long run, I’ve managed to complete my Final Year Project (FYP) and my very own thesis. Basically, I’m half way in getting my degree and by that I mean degree of Bachelor of Engineering Technology (HONS) in Electronic
Before I entered the final year of my bachelor degree, I know nothing about the Final Year Project (FYP). The only thing I know about FYP from seniors is that, the process is very stressful, the most difficult assignment in the entire University life. Frankly speaking, it was not easy. I tried so hard and push as far as i can go literally in every semester for different reasons. I’m extremely exhausted, the mistakes that I’ve made and the pressure that was way beyond my control. It took almost a year for me to get the thesis done and the strain get more intense especially a month before the presentation.
But however, i just remember that nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without deep thought and hard work. all the late nights and early mornings will pay off. FYP allows me to uses all my soft skill or every skills that i have in order to complete this project. I learn, read and fail again, again and again. Failure and mistakes still don't feel like an awesome learning opportunity. I'm glad that I got this opportunity to handle my own project and this is definitely a great experience for me before I start working. I would say that I have learnt a lot from this FYP.
A good supervisor is very important throughout the whole process. I would like to thank Dr.Suraya for not giving up on me even though I did not do well at the beginning. Personally, I owe you a lot as you not only taught me but educated me to be a better person day by day. I couldn’t finish my FYP alone without your advice and help. Therefore, I would like to thank you for making my learning process become well planned, enjoyable, and also taught me the skills on how to be an excellent student. Your working ethics inspires me to do my best and keep on learning. Once again, Thanks for being a good mentor and for guiding me on the right path. I will always be thankful to you. Thank you madam.
Lastly, thank you to my parents for all the hard work they did to grow me up. I really appreciate it. Thanks to my brothers and sister for their supports and become the persons that I could share my happiness and sad moments. For all my best friends, my FYP-mates, my classmates and housemate you means so much to me and a very huge thanks cause always lending me a hand during the process of making this project done. Without all of you I might not completed the project.
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