WEEK 6 (FYP 1)

TITLE:Second FYP 1 briefing (workshop)


  • Workshop on how to write Introduction (Chapter 1) and Literature Review (Chapter 2) for proposal.


  • To know the detail on how to write Introduction and Literature Review for FYP 1 Technical Proposal


  • Detail of briefing:
  1. Workshop slides on chapter 1 and chapter 2
  2. what is technical proposal writing
  3. How to write chapter 1
  4. How to write chapter 2
  5. Break the final report in several chapter

  • This briefing is focusing on workshop for Introduction and Literature Review Writing for FYP 1 Technical ProposaL.
  • At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:
  1. understand the significance of writing a good technical proposal for FYP 1.
  2. understand the correct ways of writing a solid introduction and literature review chapters in technical proposal.
  3. write these two chapters with good writing skills.
  4. submit the draft of these two chapters early to supervisor for his/her review.

  • Proceeding research for the chapter 1 and chapter 2


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